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General Information


Rockwall schools welcome all students who live within the boundaries of the Rockwall Independent School District and meet state age and health requirements. A student is entitled to enroll in the District under TEC §25.001 if they are living in the district and have the present intention to remain there. Ownership of property within attendance zones does not qualify as residency. Students found to be ineligible for enrollment will be withdrawn.

Students wishing to enroll into the district should begin the online enrollment process.  This can be located on the New Student webpage.  A student is required to attend school in the attendance zone in which the family resides. See the Attendance Zones section of this website for a list of school campuses and an attendance boundary map as well as the Info Finder Bus Routes Link.

The natural parent, legal guardian, or other person having legal control under a court order must enroll a student. Any person who is not the natural parent or is not designated guardian of the child by a court order should contact the campus to determine what documentation will be needed. The person enrolling the student must present photo identification, including but not limited to a valid driver’s license, state identification card, or passport at the time of registration.


  • Proof of residency*
  • Immunization record (must be up-to-date)
  • Birth certificate (registered copy)
  • Social security card or government ID of student
  • Driver’s license of parent/guardian enrolling student (must match residency address)
  • Truancy Warning Notice
  • Authorization Form
  • Student Health History form
  • Authorization to Secure Emergency Medical Treatment of Minor Student form
  • New Student Enrollment Data form
  • Home Language/Migrant Survey (only students who have never attended a Texas public school; if another Texas district, request through Trex; refer to Parent Center if language other than English)
  • Special Programs New Student Information form
  • Military Dependent/Foster Care form
  • Student Residency Questionnaire (McKinney-Vento/Homeless)
  • Request for Student Records form
  • Withdrawal records


At a minimum, parents/guardians must supply the following documents to verify residency:

  1. Homeowners:  Current utility bill (water, gas or electric) and driver’s license with same address, or
  2. Renters:  Official lease agreement with landlord contact information AND current utility bill (water, gas or electric), or
  3. Contract to build (date of occupancy in the semester you are wishing to enroll). Utility bill must be supplied upon move-in. 

Although the aforementioned documents help verify residency, residency is not defined by an address on a driver’s license, a signature on a lease, or the address on a utility bill. These are indicators that may expedite verifying residency, but are not conclusive proof that a student is or is not a resident. The District will take whatever measures necessary to verify residency.



Under Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code, any person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required by the district for enrollment of a student commits an offense that carries monetary as well as possible criminal liability. That person is liable for the maximum tuition fee the District may charge or the amount the District has budgeted per student as maintenance and operating expense, whichever is greater.