Rockwall-Heath HS Library
Contact Me
Elizabeth Holland-Linley
Library Media Specialist
Library Materials
In Rockwall ISD, we recognize that parents and guardians are the primary decision makers regarding their student's access to library material. In general, a student is afforded the opportunity to self-select library materials as part of literacy development and the library program. District staff may assist a student in selecting library material; however, the ultimate determination of appropriateness remains with the student and parent or guardian. Parents and guardians are encouraged to communicate with the campus librarian and their child's teacher about special considerations regarding library materials self-selected by their student.
Board Policy Relating to Library Materials
School Library Materials
Rockwall ISD is committed to maximizing transparency with parents and community members. To support transparency and access, parents may review library books through Destiny Library Manager.
Parents are able to view their child’s library activity by accessing their child's Destiny account.
Per Policy EFB(LOCAL), a parent or guardian who wishes to access a school's library shall first submit a request to the principal. The principal or a staff member designated by the principal shall work with the parent or guardian to determine a time to access the library that will not interfere with the delivery of instruction or disrupt student use of library services.
For questions or concerns or to provide feedback regarding library materials or services, please contact the campus principal.